Holocaust Films and Literature In The Future?

With the youngest of people that were conscious of the horrors of World War 2 now in their late 70s, it's clear in the 20 years to come, we'll live in a time with no living survivors or witnesses from that era. With all literature of the Holocaust being relatively close to the actual event timewise, there's been a fresh immediacy to the work that makes it even more horrifying. I wonder if as time goes on, our approach will change? Will facts and narratives change to promote the dramatic? One only needs to look back at America's own revisionist history of events from 1620-1920 and wonder how things might change with how The Holocaust was depicted. How different would a film like Schindler's List be if it were made in the year 2050? How much will something like Anne Frank's diary hold up? Will there be some new unspeakable horror that will have occurred that will make The Holocaust some distant memory?
